Dowling Soccer Club Mission

Dowling Soccer Club Mission

Dowling Soccer Club is a family-oriented soccer club that provides an opportunity to play organized soccer at recreational levels for players ages 5-14 years old, with teams formed based on birth year.  We offer challenging programs that place the focus on the development of the whole player within a team environment. The Club provides age-appropriate programs that focus on sportsmanship, leadership, competition, and the love of the game to enrich each player's life.

Participation in the Dowling Soccer Club is open to all youth. Present or future attendance at Dowling Catholic High School is not a requirement to play for the Dowling Soccer Club. 

Players will be placed on teams on a first-come, first-served basis, so we encourage you to register early to secure your child's place.  While registrations received by 20Jan will be prioritized, if we do not have enough players to form a team in your child's age group, your child may be placed on a wait-list, asked to play on a co-ed team, and/or asked to play in an older age group.

Dowling Soccer Club Mission Statement - To promote opportunities for local Catholic school students to experience and enjoy the sport of soccer through the highest standards of youth soccer development.